New Features: Badges + Concept Card Library


In the coming days, we will be rolling out a new dashboard feature that will expand on our current “Star” badges. These fun new Student Achievement badges will be located in the same portion of the Tutor Dashboard as the canned responses and can be accessed by clicking the trophy icon (see below.)

Students will be able to earn badges by exhibiting certain positive behaviors – for example, asking an inquisitive question can earn the ‘Cool Curiosity’ badge. While the goal is to praise and reinforce ideal student behavior, our hope is that they will also make sessions more engaging and fun.

We encourage you to use Achievements frequently, however it’s also important to use them methodically. Avoid sending badges when the pace of the session could be disrupted or when the student needs support more than praise.

Below you will find a list of each badge along with the matching icon, and guidelines for awarding the badges.


Last week we introduced Concept Cards, a game-changing addition to our whiteboard gallery. Since the release, we have introduced a resource that we hope will make using these Concept Cards more effective. Check out the ‘Concept Cards‘ button at the top of the newsfeed window for a complete, searchable gallery of all the available Concept Cards to help tutors familiarize themselves with dozens of cards available in the whiteboard gallery.

Happy Tutoring!

— Team Yup

New Whiteboard Feature: Concept Cards


Today (Wednesday, Nov. 7th), we will be adding new resources to the image library that we hope will take using the whiteboard to the next level! The engineering team will be expanding the image bank to include Concept Cards covering dozens of  concepts from the FOIL Method to the Quotient Rule.

These explanation cards can be used just as you would a normal image from the whiteboard library – use the search function to find the relevant card, click (no need to drag!) to add it to the whiteboard, then drag to resize. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of this feature:

  • Be mindful of the appropriateness of the image for the student you are working with. For example, if a student is lost or frustrated, sending a lot of new information at once would not be the best way to adapt to the student’s situation
  • Depending on the student’s level, it may be necessary to talk the student through the information on the card or annotate the card itself to help facilitate their understanding
  • Check with the student after sending to make sure the concept card makes sense to them, or to see if they have any questions about the information you shared
    Click to Expand Concept Card

    Click to Expand Concept Card


If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to complete the November Tutor Satisfaction Survey! This month’s survey is focusing on bugs, so your feedback will be very helpful for helping us diagnose some of the Tutor Dashboard issues we’ve been seeing.

> > November Tutor Satisfaction Survey < <

Happy Tutoring!

— Team Yup

Updates: Symbol Feature + Tutor Surveys


If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to try our newest Tutor Dashboard feature which allows you to insert commonly-used math symbols into your chat messages with a few simple clicks. Continue reading to find out more about how your responses to the September Tutor Satisfaction Survey inspired this Tutor Dashboard addition.


Thank you to everyone who participated in last month’s Tutor Satisfaction Survey – we’re excited to report that we had even better community participation this time around. Let’s keep it up!

In last month’s survey, we asked you which improvement you would find most helpful. The winner by a fair margin was the ability to enter math symbols directly into chat:

Use the link below to launch this month’s survey:


This month’s survey will ask for thoughts on the canned responses feature. Do you find specific types of canned response more useful than others? Do you have ideas for new canned responses that the whole community could benefit from? Take the survey to let us know.

Happy tutoring!

— Team Yup

Whiteboard Update: Continuous Recording


We’re excited to announce a new feature that you will start seeing on your tutor dashboard today. This feature allows you to record your drawings on the whiteboard to make a GIF!

You will be able to use this feature in three simple steps:

  1. You will see a “REC” button with a red circle at the bottom of the whiteboard controls. If you press this, it will start recording the actions you take within the whiteboard area.
  2. A green loading bar will move across the button. You can either wait until this bar reaches the end of the button, which takes 10 seconds, or you can press “stop” to stop recording earlier.
  3. A dialog will appear with a preview of the gif, and will ask whether or not you want to send it. If you do send the GIF, remember to tell the student that you’ve just sent an animated gif and that they can tap it to watch it.

Here is the process in real time:

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this feature.

Happy Tutoring!

— Team Yup

Mentorship Program + Dashboard Fixes


We are proud to announce the official start to our Tutor Mentorship Program! After an initial trial run, we have made some exciting improvements, including the ability to set personal goals with your TQM mentor and complete targeted exercises, such as annotating your past sessions to get a sense of how they could have gone better.

Check out the following document to find out more about the program and keep an eye on your inbox – we will be contacting those who qualify to be in the program soon!

Yup Tutor Mentorship Program


  • Many of you have reported a bug causing issues with the post-session survey page at the end of the session. If you are having issues submitting this form or are seeing the form return after you have already submitted it, please refresh the page to ensure the Tutor Dashboard loads back to the session waiting room.
  • This week we will be releasing updates to the Tutor Dashboard, specifically the whiteboard, that will fix many reported issues while adding a very exciting and long-awaited new feature: a built-in image gallery! This gallery is will continue to grow and we welcome your suggestions in the New Ideas room on Slack.

As always, please keep us posted with bugs you experience by following the Bug Reporting Instructions . (Check out specifically the step that explains the Dev Console screenshot – this is the most important step for diagnosing the problem.)

Happy Tutoring!

— Team Yup