PlayPosit Reminder + Response Speed


PlayPosit Video Task Reminder

If you have not yet completed the PlayPosit Video Tasks mentioned in this post, we ask that you do so as soon as possible.

The guidelines in these videos bring together, rather than simply restating, a wide variety of our existing tutoring policies, and in a way that helps you move sessions forward efficiently.

We’ll soon be introducing new pay bonuses based on positive student feedback, and if you keep the ideas from these videos in mind, you’ll be well-situated to benefit from them!

If you have not yet received PlayPosit credentials, please email

Response Speed Reminder Message

Several months ago, we introduced a Response Speed Reminder message that would appear in your Tutor Chat window when you hadn’t sent any messages for two minutes:

After a hiatus caused by a minor bug, this feature is back!

Important: If you see this message before two minutes have passed since your own last message, or if it does not appear when it should, please notify the System Issues HipChat room.

Happy tutoring!

— Team Yup
