Post-Session Comments, Tutor Spotlight, and New Tutor Dashboard

Post-Session Comments

It looks like all of you have now completed the Post-Session Comments Training! Thank you so much for getting that done! One of the trends we have noticed is that we’re still seeing some comments about what students can be doing better. We want to focus only on what the student did, not what they didn’t do. 

Here is an example:

Engaged – The student came in with a problem involving factoring a quadratic and finding the solutions. Initially, the student seemed unfamiliar with the process of factoring by grouping, but they did a good job once they understood the concept. They were already familiar with the zero-product property and were able to get the solutions using that. But they had to go, and hence could not verify the solutions through alternative means, or try a similar problem independently.

Thanks again for a great job in adapting to the needs of the teachers we support!

Tutor Spotlight

Congratulations to our tutor spotlight: Partha Sarathi Reddy Kamireddy! We were able to share this session with the whole team on Wednesday.

At first, the student didn’t know how to write the equation of a line. After Partha helped him with that, he focused on ending the session on a win by asking the student if he’d like to do a similar problem. The student ended up solving that similar problem in 5 minutes and stayed in the session for almost 2 hours! Here’s what the student had to say about the session: “this is the 3rd time I meet Mr k and he is amazing guy I am glad that I know him he is smart and have good explanation he is great teacher ♥️” Nice work, Partha!

In two weeks, we will pick our next tutor spotlight. Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form so we can continue to celebrate the amazing interactions you have with students! Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!

New Tutor Dashboard

Each of you should have had the opportunity to test out the new tutor dashboard, but if you haven’t yet, please email Sharon ( so she can set you up! We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback about the whiteboard and some constructive feedback about other features. Thank you for the feedback and please continue to let us know what you think so that the dashboard is reflective of your wants and needs! 

On Monday, Sharon will reach out to half of you to have you test our dashboard and fill out a survey to give us feedback. If you are interested in being part of this group, please let Sharon know through Slack or email by Monday at noon.

Post-Session Comments and Tutor Spotlight

Post-Session Comments

We’ve been hearing awesome feedback from teachers about the new post-session comments! Below are a few quotes from teachers. Nice work!

Talking about the new engagement score:

Cool, I like that. That’s super easy to understand!

About the comments overall + a small suggestion:

It’s super helpful as is, but any additional details [regarding what the student was stuck on] would help us intervene in class!

Tutor Spotlight

It’s that time again! Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form by Tuesday, June 8 so we can continue to celebrate the amazing interactions you have with students! Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!

COVID-related Compensation, Post-Session Comments, and Student Feedback Award

COVID-related Compensation

In recent conversations, we’ve realized that a number of tutors had to reduce hours due to COVID-related illness over the past year. We’d like to compensate for a limited amount of missed work for anyone in this situation. Please reach out if this applies to you.

Post-Session Comments

We sent out an email on Tuesday with our Post-Session Comments training and several of you have already completed it! Here are a few examples of tutors adapting to the new comment structure:

Engaged – It was an answer checking session on a compound interest problem, which the student had solved correctly 

Not engaged – The student came in with the “domain and range of a relation” problem. The student was not familiar with the definitions of domain and range; the student spent significant time away from the app and responded minimally. The student left before we solved the given problem 

Exceptionally engaged – Sophie had a problem about systems of equations and getting equations of the lines. The student initially struggled with the points needed to get the equation of the line but was able to understand the concept. They were able to solve the problem completely and correctly.

Here’s a quick link to the slides for future reference!

Student Feedback Award

Congratulations to Sarada Bokam for earning the Outstanding Student Feedback Award! This award is given to tutors who receive consistent, outstanding written feedback from students over several weeks along with demonstrating excellent overall performance.

Some of Sarada’s exceptional student feedback comments include:

  • “It clicked in my mind thank you for helping”
  • “He took his time and asked me to come back because I was too tired.”
  • “Very nice and well to my pace. A very good tutor. 5 stars out of 5”
  • “He did a great job providing explanations to me when I was confused about theconcept presented. He was a pleasure to work with and I would definitely have him as my tutor in the future when I need help with Math.”

Way to go Sarada!

Building Rapport Update, Syncing Your Clock, and Tutor Spotlight

Building Rapport Update

A few weeks ago, we asked you to take the Building Rapport training! As a result, we’ve seen some great interactions and we wanted to highlight examples of how you’re applying what you learned! Keep up the great work!

Example 1:

Example 2:

Syncing Your Clock

Please be sure to sync your computer clocks to internet time about once a week. If your system clock is off by even 30 seconds, it hinders TQMs’ ability to grade a session and it’s more difficult for you to review. Please let Sharon know if you have any questions! Here’s an example of how it makes sessions difficult to review:

Tutor Spotlight

Congratulations to our tutor spotlight: Bryan Rock! We were able to share this session with the whole team on Wednesday.

At first, the student didn’t know how to fill out the time column in this Algebra I word problem. By staying positive, adjusting his questions, and adjusting his wording, Bryan showed how “in tune” he was with the student. The student went from lost to ready to go in about 3 minutes!

In two weeks, we will pick our next tutor spotlight. Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form so we can continue to celebrate the amazing interactions you have with students! Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!

Ending on a Win, Tutor Spotlight, and Tutor Slack

Ending on a Win

Last week, we shared slides on how to end each session on a win! We wanted to share how some of you have done an excellent job incorporating this in your sessions! Nice work! 

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

Tutor Spotlight

Sadly, we have not received a submission for Tutor Spotlight in over a month. When this happens, Sharon has been picking 3 great sessions to review with the team, but none of those tutors are recognized! It’s easy to find great moments of sessions and we’d love to recognize you so please nominate yourself by Tuesday!

Tutor Slack

Henry has been doing such an awesome job with the Academics team that Yup has decided his talents are needed to help with Sales. Due to Henry moving to Sales, Sharon will be monitoring Tutor Slack. Be sure to tag Sharon in bug reports, scheduling issues, and any other issues you report in Slack! 

If you have questions or comments about payroll and related topics such as shift auditing and OT, you can still reach out to Henry via email.