Building Rapport Update, Syncing Your Clock, and Tutor Spotlight

Building Rapport Update

A few weeks ago, we asked you to take the Building Rapport training! As a result, we’ve seen some great interactions and we wanted to highlight examples of how you’re applying what you learned! Keep up the great work!

Example 1:

Example 2:

Syncing Your Clock

Please be sure to sync your computer clocks to internet time about once a week. If your system clock is off by even 30 seconds, it hinders TQMs’ ability to grade a session and it’s more difficult for you to review. Please let Sharon know if you have any questions! Here’s an example of how it makes sessions difficult to review:

Tutor Spotlight

Congratulations to our tutor spotlight: Bryan Rock! We were able to share this session with the whole team on Wednesday.

At first, the student didn’t know how to fill out the time column in this Algebra I word problem. By staying positive, adjusting his questions, and adjusting his wording, Bryan showed how “in tune” he was with the student. The student went from lost to ready to go in about 3 minutes!

In two weeks, we will pick our next tutor spotlight. Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form so we can continue to celebrate the amazing interactions you have with students! Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!
