Introducing Badges

Use the New Star Feature

We want to reward students for participating and being proactive during sessions. Thus, we’re introducing our latest feature, badges!

You will now have the option to give students a star to motivate and inspire them. The star icon will be available on your tutor dashboard. Once you click on the star button, you will have to confirm that you want to send it. After you click “yes”, a star will be sent to the student.

Feel free to give students one or multiple stars during your sessions. Here are some situations where we recommend that you send a star:

+ Student uploads their work

+ Student actively participates

+ Student asks insightful questions

+ Student does more than one question

After giving a star, please let the student know why you are giving them the star. For example, “Hey Allen, you’ve earned a star because you’ve been asking great questions in this session. Great work!”

Please do not abuse this feature by giving students too many stars.  

We will provide further directions around badges as we learn more from student reactions. We are excited to see you use this new feature to help students participate and learn!


SotW & Performance Bonuses


Congratulations to Session of the Week winner, Kevin Lloyd Esguerra! It was great to see you encourage the student to use the whiteboard, Kevin! Your bonus will be included with your next paycheck.

Nominate one of your own exceptional sessions via the submission form and you could win a $25 bonus!



Congratulations to Robert Wear who achieved a Top Ten tutor ranking for two or more consecutive weeks, earning him a $25 performance bonuses. Great work!

— Team Yup

Team Session Analysis

In a nutshell: After reading through the following session, what aspects do you feel could have been handled differently?

A couple months ago, we introduced a newsfeed feature called Session Analysis, which looks into less-than-ideal sessions and invites tutors to discuss aspects that could have been handled differently.

We would like to revisit this feature– however rather than including notes with areas of concern, we invite you to read through the session and share your own comments about problem areas you notice.

(Opens session PDF in new tab.)

yup_discussAfter reading through this session, what are some things you would do differently if paired with the same student? Use the included message numbers to refer to specific interactions.

— Team Yup


The perpetrator behind user experience disruption: Your clocks!

In a nutshell: Your clock will only be on time if you follow the instructions previously given AND REFRESH your browser with the tutor dashboard. It is CRITICAL for everyone’s clocks to be on time.

Yesterday, we posted a Newsfeed coined “16 second and counting…”. Although we are sure that many of you have already updated your clocks, they will not be adjusted until you REFRESH the tutor dashboard browser tab.

This is causing major user disruptions and confusion. Imagine how confusing it would be if as a student you were receiving the messages in complete disorder!

We recommend that everyone (even those that did not have issues) spend 5 minutes to ensure their clock is updated. If your clock is not adjusted, you will no longer be able to conduct sessions. Should you have any questions about this, please email