Equation Editor, Office Hours Recording, and Reminders

Hi, everyone,

We hope you have had a nice week! Thank you so much for updating your availability in Humanity! While the number of hours each tutor is scheduled each week will continue to depend on TGP level and demand, we hope that using this new feature will give you greater ownership over when you are scheduled. As a reminder, you will want to double-check that your availability is correct for the following week every Thursday by 12:00 p.m. If you set recurring hours, there is not a notification when those recurring hours end so it is in your best interest to do a quick double-check. Thank you again for your time on this task and everything that you do to help our students delight in mathematics!

New Equation Editor

The new equation editor for the whiteboard was launched this week! To access the editor, click the pi icon in the toolbar. A window will pop open where you have access to all kinds of equation tools. Check out the short clip below to see it in action!


Office Hours: Tutor Ranking System

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Office Hours this week where we did a deep dive into the tutor-ranking system. For those of you who were not able to attend, you can watch a recording of the session, here.

We appreciate all of those who voiced concerns and are grateful for the good ideas that came from the discussion on Tuesday. A few things that we will be working on as a result are:

  • developing a database of exceptional sessions so tutors can review and glean ways that they can improve their own work
  • providing more information in the end-of-cycle emails that will provide greater context into understanding TGP levels and more actionable data for improvement

