Helping Students Opt Out, More Hours, and New Whiteboard Guide

Helping Students Opt Out

Since we just changed our canned responses, we wanted to take the time to highlight how some of these have changed. You may recall a couple of our earlier newsfeed posts about how tutors may have inadvertently caused students to feel pressured to stay in a session. Thus, we wanted to create some canned responses that would empower students to answer more honestly if, for example, they have limited time or need to prioritize working through other problems. The following shows the comparison between old canned responses and their updated versions: 

Old New
Just to make sure that we got it down really well, do you have time to try this similar example? Would you like to try a similar question to see if you can complete it on your own? No problem if you have to go!
Can you summarize your new understanding of ________? Do you have time to quickly summarize your new understanding of ________? No worries if you need to go, though!

More Hours

As Henry posted in Slack, we will be adding more hours to tutor schedules starting next week. Please email Tutor Support if you would like to change availability from last Spring. As a reminder, the hours we need tutors the most tend to be 11 AM – 5 PM PT, so if you can work those hours, let us know!

New Whiteboard Guide

A huge thank you to Bharathi Vavilakolanu, who created our new Whiteboard Guide! Check out slide 4 in particular, which is a quick way to navigate to particular features! The new guide is also found on slide 14 of the Tutor Dashboard Manual.
