Rubric Changes and Tutor Spotlight

Rubric Changes

One of our priorities in creating the new rubric was ensuring that students ended the session feeling positive and motivated.  This includes feeling heard throughout the session as they express their preferences.  And after two weeks, the preliminary results are promising! We have seen a 4-5% increase in student ratings since the day we introduced the rubric. Thank you for applying any feedback you’ve received!

As we dug deeper into the data, we still saw transcripts that looked like the following:

In this snippet, the student stated that he was in a rush, but in an effort to satisfy rubric criteria for “Check” and “Reflect”, the tutor was reluctant to move onto the next problem. This put both the student and the tutor in a situation where an otherwise great session might end awkwardly (at best) and negatively (at worst). 

The second empathy strand, E2, on the new rubric seeks to address this challenge. The more that the tutor responds to the student’s cues and preferences, the more likely they are to return to Yup and the more likely they are to benefit from the support that you do such great work to provide.  

Pillar Strand Indicators Common Mistakes
Empathy E2 – Does the student feel heard? Respond to questions, emotional cues, and signs of confusion Ignore questions, emotional cues, signs of confusion, or student priorities

Tutor Spotlight

Next week, we will pick our next tutor spotlight. Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form so we can continue to celebrate the amazing support you all are providing to Yup students. Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!
