Student Fault Tags Clarification

In a nutshell:
Clarification of several tags for which tutors have voiced uncertainty

To clear up confusion about tags for sessions ending by fault of the student, we have clarified a few tag definitions below. Please read through the following explanations and let us know if you have any questions:

“Unclear” – Student ends the session randomly without any notice or reason given.
Example: the student leaves in the middle of a step without warning.

“Other (student)” Student caused the session to end for a reason that isn’t covered by a specific tag.
Example: the student wants a particular tutor and leaves when they are connected to someone else.
Note: This s
hould be used primarily for Gap Clarification Sessions sessions, but if ever a situation arises where you need to use this for another category that is fine, just email us and let us know about the situation.

“Did not engage / Stopped responding” – This tag should only be used when the session ends automatically due to an inactive student.
Example: The student is unresponsive to a tutor’s question for 5 minutes, causing the session to automatically end.

If you have questions about the above tags or any others we didn’t clarify, please feel free to ask in the comments or email so we can address them for you!

— Team Yup
