NEW Tutor Review State procedure!

In a nutshell: our Tutor Review State Guide has been streamlined and updated! Please begin following the steps described in this guide as soon as your next shift starts.

The new guide can be found at this link: 

The new instructions give more impactful and actionable information about how to use this time. In short, the new steps are as follows: understand the problem, think about the concepts you and your student will discuss first, and (step 3 is currently optional) locate one or more visual resources that will help you explain them.

A couple more points to keep in mind regarding the review state and identifying gaps in understanding:

  1. Once you have a clear idea about which concepts need to be understood to solve the problem and which ones are probably causing confusion, don’t stop there!! As soon as the session starts, and with that information in mind, pinpoint the most advanced concept among these that the student is familiar with. Starting from things the student already knows will give you a solid starting point for the rest of your instruction and should also make the student more likely to participate.
  2. Schools are starting up again and more of our students will be submitting images of their progress to the Yup Bot. When this happens, always remember to factor the student’s progress into the first few messages of your session!


Team Yup
