Session Length Data and Tutor Spotlight

Session Length Data

It’s been 3 weeks since our efficiency training! Here’s data on how we’ve reduced session times:

Week Median length (minutes) Averages (minutes)

Before Training

2/15 33.80


2/22 33.36
3/1 29.16
3/8 34.60
Week of Training 3/15 32.33 32.33

After Training

3/22 30.89


3/29 31.61
4/5 28.62

We’re seeing ~10% decrease in median session length. Keep up the great work!

Tutor Spotlight

Congratulations to our tutor spotlight: Hem Chandra Bhatt! We were able to share this session with the whole team on Wednesday.

At first, the student didn’t know how to write an arithmetic series with sigma notation. By asking the right questions, Hem was able to determine that the student wasn’t using the formula for arithmetic sequences.

After he provided the formula, the student had no problem plugging in the numbers.

The way in which Hem was able to pinpoint the student’s misconception and immediately address it was much appreciated by the student: “yeah I have the good foundation now. Thank you Mr. Bhatt for your help and patience.”

In two weeks, we will pick our next tutor spotlight. Please fill out the Tutor Spotlight Nomination form so we can continue to celebrate the amazing interactions you have with students! Reminder that there is a $25 reward for being featured!
