Exciting Yup Update!

Hello, everyone,

We hope that you have started a great week. We are writing to announce a big update from Yup.

For years, we’ve been working with parents and schools to positively impact as many students as possible. To further our mission, Yup recently joined Prenda through an acquisition. We’re really excited to join their passionate team and work together to empower student learning.

Prenda provides parents with an alternative to traditional schools by facilitating the operations of ‘microschools’ consisting of 5-10 grades K-8 students, led by a trusted adult known as a Guide. Students meet with the Guide at a fixed location for several hours each school day and, with the Guide’s support, work through a set of technology-enabled materials and curriculum provided by Prenda. Yup math tutoring will be integrated as daily support for Prenda’s students as they learn math.

Our service for students is not changing, and the only action required from you will be to re-sign your tutor contract on Prenda’s template which you should have already received. Please check your email and electronically sign your new contract within 48 hours of receipt. 

I will continue to manage everything related to academics, scheduling, and tutor operations. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me through email (haddie.lueddeke@prenda.co) or Slack.

Thank you for all that you do to empower students to learn!


