Outstanding Student Feedback Award and Platform Updates and Reminders

Hi all,

We hope you have had a fantastic week! Thank you to everyone who completed the Tutor Satisfaction Survey! Your thoughtful feedback will help shape areas of focus in the next few months. It was so nice to meet those of you who were able to attend the informal chats with me this week. It was great to hear your voices and gain even more insight into the varied experiences of our tutor community.

This month marks the return of the Outstanding Student Feedback Award. With schools returning from the winter holiday and back in full swing, the Yup Team has been swimming in sessions and seeing some fantastic positive feedback from students. It is one of the best parts of our jobs! We are excited to continue to celebrate our tutors who make students’ Yup experience awesome with the Outstanding Student Feedback Award.

As a reminder, this award is given to tutors who conduct engaging sessions that elicit outstanding written feedback from students. The Yup team will recognize recipients in a newsfeed post along with a $50 bonus included in their next payment. To be eligible for this award you must also demonstrate outstanding overall performance including a strong composite score and overall student ratings – as such, earning it is a special and challenging achievement!

Thank you for all of the amazing work that you do and the care that you take to ensure that every student is empowered to learn!

Outstanding Student Feedback Award

Congratulations to Shernice Kramer for earning the Outstanding Student Feedback Award! 

Some of Shernice’s exceptional student feedback comments include:

  • “If you get this tutor you are the luckiest person on Earth”
  • “She is a great teacher! Thank you, Ms. Kramer, you are awesome!”
  • “Thank you it was hard but I got it”
  • “Cool teacher with an extremely positive attitude :)”
  • “Helped me figure out something that minutes before was beyond my comprehension – major thank you!”

Way to go Shernice!

TGP Level Update

This month marks the end of the current TGP cycle. We will be reviewing tutor performance metrics for the past three months and making adjustments where necessary in the coming days. If your level changes, we will reach out to understand your preferences and will do our best to accommodate your schedule within the total number of hours that we have available.

Platform Updates and Reminders

Our Yup engineers are always hard at work improving the platform and implementing new ideas. To keep you informed of progress and changes that will directly impact you, updates will be posted to the #announcements Slack channel. At the end of the week, all updates will be posted in the Newsfeed. Please take a moment to review this week’s updates and reminders below.

Bug Reporting

The #bug-reporting channel was retired on Slack. All bugs and issues should be reported by clicking the button. You will receive a message acknowledging receipt of the report or a request for more information.

Common strategies to fix issues

To address an issue on the platform you should:

  1. Refresh your browser
  2. Log out of the platform and log back in

Please do NOT clear local storage manually (within the Developer Tools in the browser) unless directed to do so by one of our engineers.

Report Issue Update

We want to gather your perspective on the severity of the bug you are reporting. To do so, we have added Priority as a required selection on the Report a bug form. 

More information about the priority levels and Yup’s responses is outlined below. For further information about bugs and other issues please read the Yup Bug Reporting Instructions.
