Learning Standards Announcements

Thank you for joining us for our overview webinar and for all the feedback! Please make sure that you join the Learning Standards Slack channel to ask any questions about implementation.

As we roll out our the Learning Standards, tutors should expect policy updates. We have two policy announcements today:

Overtime Announcement

From now on, we’ll ask tutors to limit their OT work to completing the problem at hand. If you are already in OT and the student would like to start a new and unique problem, please use the Shift Ending canned response and end the session after the student has acknowledged it! If the student pushes back, apologize once more saying that you have to go, and then end the session. However, if you feel the next problem builds upon the previous problem, feel free to continue working and we’ll trust tutor discretion.

Student Ratings Announcement

We will no longer use student ratings in any tutor performance metrics starting with our new Learning Standards rollout in June! We’ll still use ratings until then, per current policy. But, if we notice ratings drop as tutors test our new Learning Standards, we will determine alternative measures. So don’t feel afraid to implement and experiment with these new standards!

We look forward to seeing you next week at our Understand webinar on our normal schedule!
