New Feature + General Reminders


Yup tutors have a lot to do in-session. Remembering which tools to utilize and when, using growth mindset language, and typing quickly – all while teaching math and adapting to students’ needs! This role requires a significant cognitive load, and with so many specifics to remember we know it isn’t easy to stay on top of everything.

In-Session Prompts are designed to encourage appropriate use of teaching tools and growth mindset language. The feature will prompt you when it’s appropriate to use these levers:

We hope this will increase student satisfaction and learning while making your job easier. As you notice the prompts this week, please tell us what you think in the #new-ideas Slack channel! We review comments regularly to inform future feature requests and changes.


  • Is your student using an unfamiliar or unusual solution method? Avoid discrediting the student or their teacher’s method, which could come off as rude or disrespectful.  Instead, ask for a snap of their notes or textbook to gain more insight into the method or check with #tutor-chat (or Google) for support!
  • Coverage Reminders: Both Riemann Sums and calculating volume with integrals fall within Yup’s concept coverage. Please take a moment to brush up on these concepts if you are not already familiar.


Happy Tutoring!

— Team Yup
