Updates to Speed Policies and Response Speed Reminder

Hello Tutors,

Thanks for your insightful feedback on our Response Speed Reminder!

The changes below are in response to your feedback, the “new normal” we’ve reached with messaging speed, and the emphasis we want to put on the speed policies rather than the Response Speed Reminder.

  • Starting the week of August 21st, your median tutor-to-student response time needs to be below 8 seconds, rather than 10 seconds, to earn a $25 bonus for the week. Your median tutor-to-anyone response time must be below 25 seconds, rather than 30, to avoid 2 infractions for the week.
  • Effective immediately, the Response Speed Reminder will appear two minutes, rather than 45 seconds, after your latest message.

You will not need to worry about these targets moving again for the foreseeable future. With these changes in place, we’ll be focusing much less on messaging speed and much more on instruction pace, which we’ve found to be a more pressing issue for most students. You can expect your Tutor Whiteboard, Canned Responses, and Review State to be improved and streamlined in the coming weeks. A couple last points:

  • Some key cases prevent us from being able to tie the Response Speed Reminder to the student’s messages rather than yours. For example, the student may repeatedly send messages like “Hello? Are you there?” which would prevent the tutor from receiving the warning.
  • For a sense of what your fellow tutors are thinking: roughly 80% of you responded that tutors should be sending a message every 15 to 45 seconds on average, which is in line with our general expectations of Tutor-To-Tutor messaging speed.

Keep up the great work,

Team Yup

