New: Feedback Grade Dispute Form

Along with the new Rubric and Tutor Dashboard, we have created a revised Feedback Grade Dispute Form to be utilized going forward in the case that significant errors have been made during the grading process of one of your completed sessions.

Use this form wisely!
Before using this form, you must first review Rubric 2.0 and Tutoring Template 2.0 to gain a better understanding of your received scores. Only when an overall score graded under Rubric 2.0 directly contradicts Yup Teaching Standards by more than 2 points should this form be used. For example, if you received a score of 5 points when Yup Teaching Standards dictate that you should have received a score of 8 points, then it would be appropriate to use this form.

It is very important to understand that the purpose of this form is not to express frustration over a poor grade or attempt to claim back points that have not been earned. Spamming this form with frequent requests not only clogs the system and delays your requests from being attended to, but it also creates a delay for other tutors with genuine concerns. Abusing this form could result in your privileges being revoked.

New Feedback Grade Dispute Form

— Team Yup
